Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Underworld is pretty boring...

Chainsaw Maidens from Hell

     Made in some dorks basement. Probably his fan-fiction headquarters. I'll put money down that half of his internet porn links are for hentai w/tentacles.

     This deep and complex story starts with our hero Dude-bro Mc R-Tard. He's a college footballer that sucks at school. But he's also 'the chosen' warrior for the heavens, so he's given a magical set of football pads to help send demons back to hell. Unfortunately, it's missing the jock strap, so they don't work. Naturally, the jock strap is in The Underworld, so he has to go retrieve it with the help of some sort of nerdy science chick. Once in the Underworld, he must battle 4 crazy fire chainsaw chicks for the 'golden codpiece". Well, by "battle" I mean "Give them a confidence boost so they let him have it". Once the cup is in hand, it's time for a boring but quick battle between good and guys with rubber masks. The Chainsaw Maidens show up and help out and we finish with an after battle party scene. The day is saved, puny mortal.

Not. Scary.

     It's been a while since I've seen a movie this intentionally bad. There's a crap-ton of green screening, ham-fisted acting, rubber masks, and plot holes like Swiss cheese. The audio levels vary, and I'm hoping that was because of the crappy streaming from Midnight Pulp. But despite all of this...this was a fun movie to watch and 75 minutes was just about right. Any longer would have been overkill.

Sunday: Maybe it's time I started pricing out machetes...

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