Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Who's the bigger idiot....

The people who keep making these 'movies', or me for continually watching them?

The answer is pretty obvious, ME. But compulsion is also me, so on with the next stupid installment of


For the record, all scenes of 'Vegas are stock footage. But you probably guessed that.

    Things pick up right where we left off with our idiots escaping Sexy Hell and...well after that  you just have to say 'fuckit' and head to Vegas with Evil Bong in tow. I guess that makes them friends now?  After seeing a...there's no other way to put this..ahem... Elvis puppet sex show complete with money shot, our idiots head to a 'cheap as fuck' hotel run by dead guys. They're literally ghosts and aren't shy about sharing that fact. Retarded hijinks ensue and and suddenly the Evil Bitch form the last film makes her way out of Sexy Hell for what can best be described as a cameo. Her ass is quickly pushed back to Sexy Hell and GOD WHERE ARE THE FUCKING CREDITS?!?!? END MY SUFFERING!!!

     ...Oh wait...there they are! Well that was quick...because the "movie" is only 59:19 minutes!!!
Suspiciously absent again is Larnell, one of the mainstays from the first 5 films. Trust me, the film does NOT suffer. Only you do. Even with the over-the-top nudity, you still suffer. That's the real horror of this film.

Wednesday: More chaa-chaa-chaa-chaa..

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