Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Who the hell is Biker Bob anyway?

Bubba The Redneck Werewolf

Cracker County won't be the same...

You can just tell the Comics were better.

Welcome to the town of Broken Taint where Bubba the night dog pound caretaker sells his soul to the devil and becomes a werewolf in order to win back his girlfriend Bobby Jo, who dumped him for the flannel-clad, tanned version of Moe from The Three Stooges, Dangerous Dwight. Dwight has a doublewide with a clicker, 4-slice toaster and proper pair of scissor - what to cut right good armholes out of one's shirt.

Anyway they totally stole that Devil comes to the local Watering Hole scene right out of Ghost Rider (GR did it better). The devil's sets about stealing people's souls while Bubba wins back Bobby Jo's heart with his new robust head & chest of hair and giant wolf dong.

The town's folk blame Bubba for the bad choices they've made selling their souls for things like a third hand to stroke their balls while they jack off. Bubba - who is a wolf day and night - has to try and break the contracts. There's plenty of dumb humor, digs at rubes, and mediocre gore. The theme song is horrid but expected, as is Bubba paraphrasing the Green Lantern's oath:

Through the darkest night
And evils might
A hero will rise
To kick some ass!

I don't totally want my 77 minutes back but I wish they could meet me half-way. It does have some laugh out loud moments in between the usual gags, but your life will still be complete if you miss it. Also, the devil really looks like Ryan Martini from Mudvayne's "Dig" video, except he's red. He told Bubba he had a tan. Yes, it's like that.

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