Sunday, October 21, 2018

If it has tentacles... know it's from Japan

Meatball Machine

     This is another over-the-top splater-fest from our friends in Nippon. It features parasites that take over a human body and contol its nearly every move. Naturally, everything is blood-drenched and the story might be overly complex. More so than necessary as usual. The short story is, Yoji likes Sachiko. Yoji finds a strange 'thing' and takes it home. Then one night, Yoji sees Sachiko with another man who is attempting to rape her. Yoji tries to defend her but gets his ass kicked. The good news is, she goes home with him anyway. The bad news is, that 'thing' he found is triggered by emotions and it latches onto Sachiko and takes over her body. Bad date, dude!

     Later on, we learn that there is a man hunting and growing them because he's an asshole. AND it's keeping his daughter alive since she's been infected as well. Sadly, this leads Yoji to become infected and he decides to hunt down Sachiko to 'free' her of the parasite. By 'free', I mean kill. There's a boring battle and everyone dies in the end and we're treated to an epilogue explaining this is a game to the parasites. Thhhhpppppttttt!!!

     Not as crazy as some of the other Japanese films I've seen, but at least those had a relevant film title.

Monday: Sometimes even Jason needs to get out of Jersey...

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