Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Kevin Smith smokes too much weed....


     There's a lot to digest here, but I'll try my best.  Two idiots have a pod cast. One of the idiots travels around getting face to face with weird people that end up in video memes or whatever.  While in Canada searching for a boy that cut his leg off on video, he encounters an old man that would love to tell some amazing stories of his life's travels. The meeting goes as expected till he passes out. When he wakes, he's surprised to see one of his legs missing.  This is all perfectly understandable but he's not buying the 'spider bite = amputation' explanation and then it goes down hill from there.  We soon learn that this old man has a thing for walruses and just needs a new walrus friend. That means the ever-annoying character played by Justin Long MUST become a walrus. And to do that, he must wear a walrus suit!

Who's a happy walrus? This guy!

     And before you know it, he's a very ugly walrus and this film went over the edge. Eventually his girlfriend and best boy start running around Canada looking for him and they agree to meet with Guy LaPointe aka Johnny Depp who has been on the trail of this old man nut-job.  Meanwhile, there's a walrus fight and justice prevails but also hands you an ambiguous ending.

That right there is cold blooded walrus suit MURDER.
     Like a lot of Kevin Smith films, there might be some social commentary mixed in, but you have to wade through a lot of weirdness to get there. And even once you do that, you realize it's implausible and unnecessary. That's when you say to yourself  "Damn, that boy smokes too much weed".

Wednesday: We kinda assumed he was there all along....

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