Friday, October 26, 2018

People still wear tutus? Are they doing it ironically?

Halloween Pussy Trap KILL KILL

     This film starts with a generic Middle Eastern battle with US soldiers. 3 of the American soldiers are captured and shot, beheaded, or had their face ripped off. We skip ahead to some dorky crap band playing club gigs and they really suck. There's some inner turmoil and one of the members is kicked out for trying to rape one of the other band mates, and that's a pretty solid deal breaker. On the road to the next gig they meet a very humbled Richard Grieco trying to act like a hick-neck. He ends up gassing them and trapping them in a dungeon. That's when Dave Fucking Mustaine introduces himself as The Mastermind (aka the guy that had his face ripped off), and proceeds to give them even more gas causing hallucinations and I guess it's a torture porn movie?
     The rest of the movie is a Saw ripoff where the 'contestants' make their way through chamber after chamber to earn their freedom, usually after causing someone else's death. I don't know what this film is trying to be. It's got good title, but it's like a cross between a Tromaville movie and a really shitty Tromaville movie. It's a damn dime store Saw, and it fails. Damn it, I thought it was going to be a FUN movie.

   Congratulations, you've won this years Worst Movie honor.

Next time, make the title more accurately reflect what it is:  Stupid People overacting in a Terribly Written Film'.

Friday: X marks the spot, I guess...

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