Saturday, October 20, 2018

Why not make the knives and axes float?

Friday the 13th VII: The New Blood

     Tina is special. Telekinesis special, not 'count to potato' special. When she was young, her drunk-ass dad started to abuse her mother so she 'accidentally' killed him by collapsing a boat dock that he was standing on. Later in life, she's brought to that same house on the lake to sort her telekinesis powers and some psychological ones as well. This JUST HAPPENS to be the same lake that good 'ol Concrete Boots Jason is hanging out in. She has a flashback while standing on the dock and that's just enough to wake and free Jason up. Time for stabbys!

It's OK. Nobody liked her.

     His timing is opportune because next door there's a surprise birthday party that's going to get crazy...and bloody...hell, everyone's going to die. We know this because Tina starts having premonitions of the killings and well....this IS a Jason movie in a forest, so there's plenty of opportunities for people to get chopped up.

H A W T ! ! !
     It would be OK to be annoyed by the telekinesis part of the story, but then again this marks the second resurrection of Jason. Try not to think too hard about it because the writers clearly haven't either. You're seven movies in. Why pick now to start questioning your time spent watching this franchise?

     Deaths brought to you by: Dock collapse, knife to throat, back stabbing, back fist impalement, sleeping bag slammed against a tree, machete to face, drowning by Jason, hand sickle to neck, head crushing, party horn to eye, knife to stomach, machete to neck, spear to the back, weed whacker to upper torso, axe to face,

Sunday: Spagooters!!!

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