Monday, October 22, 2018

First time in the City, Big Guy?

Friday the 13th 8: Jason takes Manhattan

     This marks the 3rd time Jason has been resurrected, and the second by electricity. Two dumb-asses on a houseboat in Crystal Lake accidentally hit an underwater power cable and naturally it wakes Jason up.  He hops on board the houseboat and gets all stabby. After some trudging around he makes his way to an even bigger ship full of idiots and headed for New York City! This ship is also a powder keg full of unchecked emotional baggage and side stories nobody cares about. And trust me, it won't be long before you're rooting for Jason. Most every one of these idiots are just begging for the machete treatment.

Whatsamatter? Don't like being type-cast?

     Technically, the movie does have scenes in NYC, but over half of the film takes place on a ship! A ship with an alarming amount of axes and shotguns! Once in the city, the movie only slightly improves but you're still subjected to the same prey-stalking. The only addition would be the predictable interactions Jason has with the NYC and it's people. And the retro-naught in me is loving the Manhattan scenes. Even though I've never been there, I still love the nostalgia.

Only one cop seen in the entire movie. ONE.

     Deaths by: spear gun, stabbed by trident, guitar to the skull, stabbed by glass shard, another spear gun stabbing, machete to throat, choking, electrocution, shotgun to chest, falling onto radio antenna, axe to back, hypodermic needle to the back, having your head punched off, drowning in a barrel,  pipe wrench to skull.

Tuesday: It's a Kevin Smith film, so I'm not sure if I should take it serious or not...

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