Thursday, October 18, 2018

"Why'd they have to go dig up Jason...

 ...Some folks have strange idea of entertaiment" the grounds keeper says as he breaks the 4th wall.

That line alone could save this movie.

Friday the 13th VI: Jason Lives

     Jason is brought back to life after Tommy decides to dig up the casket (Didn't they say he was cremated in the last film?) and stab him one last time. The big stabbing pole is struck by lightning, and we have ourselves a Franken Jason. STRONG WRITING!!!  Sadly, this endvor gets his friend Ron Palillo (Horshack!!!) killed when Franken Jason punches right through him. We've now taken the series into the supernatural.

This totally works in real life
     Crystal Lake has been renamed Forrest Green for obvious reasons, and Tommy runs to the police department to warn them of Jason's resurrection. Because he sounds cra-cra, they throw him in the jail for a while and later escort him out of town. Meanwhile, our mighty machete man makes his way to the new camp, killing a lot of people along the way. Just like riding a bicycle, I'm betting.

Damage X3!!!
     Eventually the killings are noticed by the po-po, and they start blaming Tommy. They're right! Because he woke up 'ol Stabby McSlasherton, all those deaths are his fault by proxy. Knowing this, he decides to fix his fuck-up and lures Jason into the lake were he can um...drown him? Long story short, he gives him cement shoes and saves the day.

     This has a lighter attitude than the prior films, and it makes for a much better watch. It's still a horror film, but there's some dark comedy that helps us forget about some of the other films. And did I mention that Ron Palillo aka Horshack is in this film?

 Deaths by: Fist impalement, spear-vaulting, normal spearing, face to tree trunk, triple beheading, stabbed by glass bottle, 2 for 1 machete stabbing, head pushed into metal door, knife to side of head, head twisting, knife to forehead, head squishing, body folding, boat motor propeller to head.

Friday: Psycho killers rarely ever wear a name tag that says "Psycho Killer"...

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