Saturday, October 28, 2017


Evil Bong 666
Face the face of Evil, Face the face of Stupid.


     OK, so maybe I've gone too far. Maybe I've pushed myself to the point of futility in watching these terrible movies. And yes, I've been stoned to the point where I thought I couldn't move my arms, hands...eyes. Limited experience, but I have a background and I have to admit, there's no way in hell that I would have ever found this funny. It helped me with Pink Floyd's Animals, but this would be a pile of shit under any kind of influence. I could have been watching the Devils play they Coyotes, but no...I said 'I have to do this' because I have masochistic integrity. Damn it.
     Rabbit has sold EeBee's Boutique to a hot Satan worshiper named Lucy Furr and somehow she springs EeBee the Evil Bong from Sexy Hell (fuck, this is fan-fiction written by a 12 year old). EeBee tells her about Sexy Hell and Lucy will do what ever she has to go get there. I'm not really sure what's so great about Sexy Hell, but it's ran by a guy named Beelzebud. Two of the mainstay hotties from the other 5 movies also get sucked in to the Sexy Hell and for some stupid reason, Rabbit and EeBee get together to try and bring them back. Then they send Gingerdead Man as an enforcer, then they make their own 'Gingerweed Man' and then you realize that even though this movie is only 1 hour, 5've wasted your entire Saturday night. It's now ruined because you spent an hour watching characters in a franchise that should be burned to the ground, and the ashes blasted into space. Who cares how it ended (though I did watch it all), I just know it's over.
….but you know damn well there's going to be a sequel, on top of the teaser for the next Gingerdead Man film....I've created my own hell....

Sunday: The Final 3...

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