Sunday, October 29, 2017

Rest in peace, Angus Scrimm

Phantasm 5: Ravager
Never put 'Final' in your title. Nobody believes it.

     I'm not sure how the last movie ended, but we find Reggie walking in the desert, mostly lost, battered, but alive. Within minutes, the balls this series is known for start chasing him around. After fending them off, he wakes up in an asylum. Mike, the person he's been looking for since #3, appears and informs him that he has dementia and needs to keep him 'engaged', so he asks Reggie to tell him the story from the beginning.
Really, this is all we ever want to see. Skip the ugly little grave Jawas
     From there we're given the back and forth through time, reality, not's trope that's a little tired, but far more inspiring than the last film. The problem is, you ALSO don't know what direction the film is going and that makes it really hard to keep up or simply give a damn. It happens so much that it takes over the movie, and pretty soon you start to lose interest. And the ending? Um....I'm not touching that. It was ambiguous, then the credits started rolling, then stopped and the movie started up again. Then the credits rolled again. I'm not sure who was in charge of editing, but they flubbed it.
     Now the $20 question: Will they make another? They treated it as a franchise finale, but we all know that's crap if someone comes up with the money. The only other thing that could prevent it would be the death of Angus Scrimm, who died shortly after filming this. The Tall Man was a staple of the franchise, and the one thing truly haunting about it. Though he was really showing his age and couldn't move like before, he still banged out his lines, and you still listened to every word. His was a commanding voice and I'll miss it.
Monday: My Halloween needs more Santa...

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