Monday, October 23, 2017

They call him The Fuzz...

Wolf Cop

     An alcoholic sheriff in Podunkville, Statesota wanders into a occult seance and through means that border on 'weak', becomes a lycanthrope. Not enough info for you?....fine. A group of shape-shifters retain there longevity by drinking werewolf blood. In order to create a werewolf, you need a village idiot, another blood filled victim, and some good 'ol occult pomp and circumstance. After tying up our protagonist, carving a pentagram on his chest, they place another poor soul above him and open him up so he drips blood into our future lycanthrope law enforcement officer. So essentially, we have the coffee house equivalent of a vinte Kyoto-style werewolf brew.
     After the drunk-cop becomes aware that he's Werewolf cop, we're treated to some pretty sophisticated scenes involving ripping people to shreds, ripping head off, ripping arms off, and my personal favorite, ripping peoples faces off.
The good news is, his harelip is hardly noticeable.
     Billed as a comedy, it has its moments. The main protagonist is a bit dull and they spend little time on him, whereas his buddy through half the film steals the shows with wit alone. One interesting take on the transformation process was instead of growing hair out, they just simply had him rip his skin off to reveal fur underneath. Given this isn't one of the higher budge endeavors, I'm pretty sure this was a cheap F/X fix. In the restroom scene when we get our first full glimpse of the 'wolfing-out', I thought I saw a hairball come out of his dingly-dangly. Turns out it was just shedding his Summer coat to reveal his Winter wiener coat.
     After all the other wacky hi-jinks, our protagonist and his buddy cop are seen walking away wounded from the climatic battle in which a full half to the entire city administration has been killed and hopefully nobody asks any inconvenient questions.
This gif serves no purpose. I just like shiny sparkly things. And it reminded me of everyone's 2005 Myspace page.

Tuesday: Well, we're up to 70 minutes now...

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