Monday, October 17, 2016

His name is Baal. There I've said it.

The Rite

Michael joins seminary school to get out of his small town life as a mortuary assistant to his father. His plan is to resign just before taking his vows, but it seems there's a snag. Apparently, if you fail to take your vow after seminary school, your scholarship will be converted into student loans - to the tune of $100,000. Guess he really is a vindictive god.

He end up going to take a special course in exorcism in Rome. Since he's still a skeptic, he's sent to observe a practicing exorcist named Father Lucas. Lucas' antics test his faith, even when evidence points to supernatural possession versus psychiatric disorders.

It wasn't a bad movie, but it wasn't really suspenseful or scary or a thriller. The possessions were mundane and it really just felt like religious propaganda to me. Honestly, Michael's turn to the cloth wasn't even moving for me. This film was stylistically better than the others but I've seen way better films about wavering faith. Hell, one 40 minute episodes of Penny Dreadful would be more passionate on the subject than film. On the other hand, no one there doubted the existence of evil so maybe it's not the best analogy. Anywho, I hope the next flicks are better.

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