Sunday, October 11, 2015

I lied.

Frankenstein's Army

     Don't ask me how another found footage film ended up in my list. It just did, and I'm watching it. We start out with a bunch of battle hardened WW2 Russian soldiers making their way through Germany. They receive a distress call so they investigate. At the same time, their communications is also cut off. That probably means nothing, right?

     The film wastes no time and we start seeing body-modded Nazi soldiers. And let me tell you, it's like a gore-goth conventioneers dream! Every fucked up, twisted costume design you can think of made an appearance and they're wicked evil looking.

 They are, however, pretty slow, daunting, and rather clunky. But still cool. 

     Pretty soon it becomes clear that this was more of a planned trip by the Soviet high command as the cameraman was a high ranking officer on a mission. However, after a couple of run-ins with the Nazi super mods, the Russians soldiers abandon the officer and we're left with just him trying to find a way out of the soldier factory. Amazingly, he keeps filming and eventually runs into the 'Doctor' who clues him in on what he's doing...which is pretty weak. Actual WW2 secret weapons stories are far more fascinating. But to hell with that, I liked this movie. It's a fairly short film at 84 minutes, and you won't find a boring spot in it. 

Monday: The last sequel on the DVD. I think I got my money's worth.

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