Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Eat Me.

I WAS going to watch the 1974 feature Madhouse with Vincent Price and Peter Cushing. However, Netflix being the dicks they are, removed it on Oct. First. Odd time of the year to remove a horror film, but whatevs. My runner up is:


     I never understood the drug culture, but here we are again, trying to digest that which is so foreign to me. A bunch of lame American d-bags and their hunnies go to Ireland to camp and eat 'shrooms. They're whole international trip was to do drugs...without going to Amsterdam. So we're dealing with some very wise, yet conceited twat-waffles. They're guide is a hunky Ire-bro and he knows a lot about hallucinogenic 'shrooms. We're talking high quality people. Hope nothing bad happens to them.

     So the low down is they do a bunch of shrooms, and start getting stalked by some-thing. One in particular keeps having premonitions, but isn't really good at preventing what she sees. So, clearly clairvoyance is wasted on her. Remember, these are dumb people that keep making bad choices. Since everyone is still on 'shrooms and every goddamn thing is a hallucination, it's really hard to tell what is real, and what isn't. My advice is to just root for the bad guy because he's doing the right thing.

Wednesday: Is that really a bong? It looks more like a hookah...

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