Saturday, October 10, 2015

Norma Bates: Super MILF or Mega Bitch. You decide!

Psycho 4

     My how things have changed. Somehow, Norman's been released again. How does someone kill so many people and keep getting released? No wonder he's messed up. Anyhoo, he's also married! So that means he finally got some and all that sexual repression is gone, right? Nah...this is a made for Showtime movie, and the 3rd sequel, so business as usual. For the record, nearly the entire movie is a flashback filler, hence the sub title “The Beginning”. While it fills in the completely unnecessary backstory, all we really learn is that Norma Bates had it coming, and so did her boyfriend 'Chet'. But mostly Norma. Fuck that bitch.

     Overall, the movie isn't really interesting, but the production is actually pretty strong. Dialog, cinematography, lighting, and acting were all damn good without being relative to the budget. In other words, Showtime took this pretty serious. Too bad it really had no teeth to it as it was more of a psychological drama. Who would have thought that with a title like “Psycho”?

     The cast is kinda unique. John Landis, CCH Pounder, and Henry Thomas, best known as EEELLLIOOOOTTTT, plays a young, Norman Bates. This also marks the last Psycho film Anthony Perkins starred in, as he died 2 years later. Still though, a mostly 'meh' affair. Time to put the final nail in this coffin.

Sunday: You and what army? Oh...that one. I see.

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