Thursday, October 15, 2015

Tommy Chong has smoked too much weed....

Evil Bong

     Oh, Jesus Christ, it's a movie about a sentient bong. Weed, weed, weed. I get it. People like to smoke weed and get high. I hope you don't mind all the pot references, because that's all this movie is. Oh, there is as story about a bong that steals your soul if you smoke from it. When it takes your soul, it transfers in to a dimensional strip club, where you're killed. Then you die in real life. Then Tommy Chong shows up. I'll never understand the drug culture.

     Did I mention this uses bumpers? BUMPERS! You don't uses bumpers in a movie!!! And get this, it's of a spinning pot leaf. Who'd a thunk it? And during the credits, there's a promo for the sequel! That's just how serious they were about this film franchise.

     And another thing: Why doesn't the bongs lips move? Someone is literally shaking it to signify it's speaking. That's how cheap this movie is. Yet somehow they could afford Tommy Chong. AND Jack Deth....

....But most disturbing is the cameo made by the title star of Thursday's film.....

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