Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Just put reality off to the side for now....

Vampire Girl Vs. Frankenstein Girl.

4th movie in a row with over half the cast in school girl uniforms, and for once this one actually takes place in a school!

     OK, I'll be brief with this one because these are getting more and more ridiculous. I may have made a mistake putting these mid month. I might have been better off putting them in the last week since I'm already worn out from watching them. And it's only Wednesday.

     What we have here is as advertised. A a new student named Monami, who just happens to be a vampire, transfers to a new school and converts the first boy she thinks is cute. He has another woman interested in him, Kieko, and she seeks to sabotage the budding, if not forced, relationship between the two. Tempers flare and Kieko falls off the top of a building because high heels don't have brakes. Naturally, she dies but all is not lost. Here's where the other 50% of the film's title comes into play. She's resembled from the best parts of her classmates (and one teacher) by her father, a Kabuki Cop wannabe nut-ball that's really not good at Frankensteining. Regardless, he's successful and there's a big 'ol boss fight at Tokyo Tower. Monami is the winner by shredding Kieko's flesh from the bone with her own blood (ala sandblasting).

That's the short of the long. It was on par with the others in regards to outlandish gore, but this was a lot lighter in mood than the others. I actually liked this film. Here's some more highlights!

Endless blood shower in the first 2 minutes, as well as the first decapitation!
There's a horribly racist group in this film that's called the Super Dark Club. It's called ganguro, but let's be truthful and call by what it's portrayed as in this film: Blackface. Because apparently everyone on Japan still thinks African Americans look like Mr. Popo. Every stereotype is laid out there and I'm split on what the intentions were. Were they being silly or just ignorant? Either way, it's a bad idea. But still.....

More endless blood showers!

Wrist Cutter Club!
I downloaded too many pictures!!!!

...which means more damn blood showers....

Helicopter made out of discarded limbs!

Screw this, I'm going to bed.

Thursday: The TGP is so OMG...

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