Tuesday, October 21, 2014

In the Zombie Future, there are no pants....

Chanbara Beauty: Vortex The Movie

    At least I think that's the proper order of the title. It's not always as clear as you'd think. It also went by OneChanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers. And it's actually a sequel on top of that. How does this movie differ from the rest? Not much, really. Same school girl outfits, same over the top bloody violence, same weirdness, same kick-ass heroines that have amazing fighting skill despite still being in high school (evidently), and more zombies.
"This is what I wear throughout this entire movie. I don't wear pants. I might be a little skanky"
     And I guess that's the plot. Young women run around killing zombies in a post apocalyptic world where clothing is scarce (apparently) but there's always a techno-pop score in the background. There's a lot of drama but it doesn't tie into the story very well. That's mostly because there really isn't a story. It might have something to do with this film being based on a video game. And everyone knows that video games make the best movies, right? RIGHT? Oh sure, there's a back-story involving harvesting special blood and becoming immortal, but it's not written for anyone to care about. It's time filler till the next bloody bikini sword battle.

Honestly, this was terrible, but far better, and far less insane than Sunday and Monday's features. No damn tentacles or parasites. Just zombie chopping and a lot of typical nonsense but with better editing.

Wednesday: So...why do all the men a bunch of sissy's in these films?

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