Sunday, October 19, 2014

Half Gun, Half School Girl, All Murder Machine.

Oh Japan, you never cease to amaze me. In a culture filled with honor, brutality, and panty vending machines, it shouldn't be a surprise to see hyper-violent movies bleed from your society. Actually, in many scenes it sprays like a fire hose. To be honest, I've put off seeing these insane movies for a very long time. But now, I think I've reached the logical conclusion and for the next week, this is what I'm doing. Welcome to J-pan. It's about to get freaky....

The Machine Girl
"Eyes up here, Fanboy."
     Yu is being bullied by the son of a yakuza/ninja clan. He can't come up with some money, so he and his friend are pushed to their deaths and police rule it as a suicide. His sister, Ami, takes exception to this and starts digging around. And when I mean digging around, I mean she sticks knives in people and 'digs around'. Once her revenge-spree starts, she's on a rampage, butchering the shit out of anyone and everyone until she's captured by the Yak-Ninja clan. There, sadly, she loses part of an arm. But that's a good thing because it opens the door for a major plot point.

With a gun like that,  you don't really need to be a good aim. Just spray and pray. Here's proof:

     From here on out, the movie is insanely violent, bloody, and gooooooory. The plot is really fluffy revenge and trust me, you're not watching it for a convincing story.  You're going to watch this because it's over the top violence. Every scene where someone dies is guaranteed to be horrible and full of blood spraying EVERYWHERE. People are sawed in half (vertically!), nails drove in to heads, above you see a mans skull ripped of it's flesh by a chaingun....the list goes on and on. But I save the best for last:
The Drill Bra. No, really. That's it's name.
Monday: J-Pan Day #2--->>>It's gonna get smelly....

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