Thursday, October 11, 2012

Suck milk, surfer boy!

 The Beach Girls and the Monster

     A timeless classic whose budget most likely hovered around the $75 range. This is a typical lower than low budget surf monster movies from 1965. The plot is thin as angel hair, and there's NO f/x. Unless you count the guy in the rubber mask and seaweed suit. And while you and I both know that it's a guy in a suit, the surprise ending is the fact that it part of the plot! Yeah, they went Scooby Doo (yes, I realize long before Scoob existed) on us. Most of the movie includes surfing, beach dancing (no, white people couldn't dance in the 60's either), and crappy beach parties.
     About the killer? Well, it was someone that everyone knew, but largely unimportant. The ending had a car chase, but I missed it because I had to pull a sty out of my eye that had been bugging the shit out of me all day. That was a higher priority. Oh sure, I could rewind it. But would I have missed some amazing plot twist or super exciting action scene that might have salvaged the other 65 minutes of this film? No....

"Just push play, dude"

….aw screw it. I rewound it, and the antagonist in a rubber suit dies in a fiery CARtwheel off a cliff (see what I did there? CARtwheel? Yeah..that's gold right there). The good news is, his death brought the credits! Yay!

Friday: A classic serial turned into a movie. And it's got a robot!

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