Friday, October 12, 2012

Another swing and a miss....

Did you know that half time time I buy books, I judge it by it's cover?

The Phantom Creeps not a horror movie. Oh sure, it has a mad scientist played by Bela Lugosi and a robot with a giant head under his control....but it was just a spy/adventure serial. In fact, my copy was a heavily condensed version where they took all 12 episodes and edited them together in a feature film.

     OK, judge for yourself:

     Evil Dr. Zorka has some great super weapon/toys. They can stop entire armies. His wife dies, he gets pissed and starts taking it out on everyone because he's a selfish bastard. Some dapper Dan from the Army is on his path to stop him at any cost. Even if it means wrassiln' with a giant-headed robot. If this sounds lame, it's because it is. I've see a lot of serials and this this one was sub par given the star  power and story line. I'd gladly go watch SOS Coast Guard before popping this into the dvd player.

I really REALLY need to do my research. I've re-evaluated my list of movies and have assured myself this won't happen again. Honest!...well, there is that tranny one, but we'll get to that one later.

Saturday: He's not THAT kind of priest.

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