Sunday, October 7, 2012

Worst Kung Fu movie, or worser vampire movie

Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires

     I remember Dennis Miller once saying (paraphrasing) “you bust your ass and work as hard as you can, but at the end of the day, fuck it. It's just a vampire hooker movie”. And that kinda sums this turd up. It's not really bad, just some scenes are boring, and the premise is...well, this is going to sound weird coming from me, but it's laughable. And they really try their best to be serious about it which might explain Peter Cushing's presence. But still...Vampire Kung-Fu movie from 1974. And Peter said 'Hells yeah. Sign my ass! Tell that Locust or Lucas or whatever the hell his name is to sit and spin. I'm doing a classic. Oscar-city, bitches!!!”
     To sum up the storyline, a crazy Buddhist monk enlists the help of Drac to wake up 7 Golden Vampire so they can do vampire stuff. I think. I don't know, it was a little confusing and I wasn't really paying attention. Honestly, that was one of the worst Drac's I've ever seen. Christopher Lee must have been busy helping Vinnie Price move that weekend so we're treated to a benign twit filling a cape.

My sister-in-law sells Mary Kay.
     Anyway, the G-Vamps go on rampages and a family of kung fu experts ask for the help of Van Helsing, aka Peter Cushing. Yeah, get the old white guy with little fighting expertise to help destroying 7 bloodthirsty vampires. I'm sure he's a valuable asset to the team.
     And while we're on the subject of Peter Cushing, I would like to note that aside from Star Wars, having him in a movie is a guarantee to some very slow and boring scenes. He's just not a very engaging actor despite his classic training. And NOT ONCE did I see him do a flying kick. Lame.

Monday: I've been told it's one of the worst of the worst. I'll be the judge of that.


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