Saturday, October 13, 2012

Cowboys, Vampires, and Priests! Oh my!


     The Priest Vs. Vamps war, nearly apocalyptic, has been quelled with humans living in walled up dystopian cities while the vamps are living on reservations. The Priests are specialized vampire killers and have since been disbanded after the last war. Now the vamps are starting to go after humans again in the outer societies, which have a very old western theme. This annoys me because it's the distant future and I hate sci-fi western mash-ups. It's also not hard to see a similarity between this film and age old cowboys vs. Indians films when you consider the savage bloodthirsty vamps are on reservations and the priests are civilized westerners.
     I liked this movie mostly because of the Catholic totalitarian state atmosphere. The priests are bad-assed weapon lords that love killing vampires in very slashy ways. I'd say my only complaint is that Paul Bettany is basically playing Michael from Legion again. However, that makes some sense since both films were directed by Scott Stewart. I have to say, I'd love to see a sequel. Make it happen.

"I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I'm into kinda into organized religions."

Sunday: Well, that's the name of the town, so it better indeed be!

1 comment:

  1. Damn, this is on my list, too. I'll have to get creative now. Still want to watch it though.
