Friday, October 5, 2012

She's not misunderstood, she's just a bitch!

 Devil Girl From Mars

     Awwww Yeah. Black and white. Just the way I like 'em. This 76 min. beast was born and raised in the UK in 1954. There's nobody famous worth mentioning other than Patricia Laffan. And the only reason she catches my eye (other than her stunning costume), is because she's 93 and still alive as of writing this. And without a doubt, she has one of the best female villain costumes I've ever laid eyes on. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that her PVC cape and helmet inspired Darth Vaders own BDSM wardrobe.
Putting the XXX back in in Sexy!

      The semi-dominatrix costume lives up to the characters back story. The war of the sexes was taken to a literal conclusion on her planet, and the women won. Now, men are pretty much scum. And she's a heartless bitch. They won the war so hard, that most males are dead, and now they need good breeding stock. So she's an undersexed heartless bitch. So she lands next to an inn, and starts looking for Johns. She's also a cameo queen. She just shows up in the inn whenever she wants, taunts them, then leaves. In the meantime, this inn has more drama brewing than Oakdale and Salem combined. She also brought her favorite robo-pet, whom I'll refer to as Marklar. He's dumpy and lame. I don't like him so I'm not going to talk about him anymore.
     The rest of the plot is pretty simple: Get on her ship, blow it up when it's in the air, and all man and woman kind will live free from tyranny of the evil Feminazis of Mars. Yay.
     On a side note, there were two things I found interesting about this film The first is the sound quality. It's really amazing for it's time, and I'm betting it's due to remastering. The second thing is the exploding ship. Rather than fire and sparks, they used a water technique that a bit hard to explain, but it includes placing a camera below water in some sort of clear container and filming the water 'plumes' as foreign materials are introduced. Think of adding dye to water, but much more dense and heavy.

     Not a bad film for it's time. It makes a great late night movie for insomniacs like myself. Let's see what's up for Saturday: What has 100 legs and is a sequel?  

1 comment:

  1. Oh, god. not Human Centipede 2! That's just too disgusting for me to watch.
