Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lesbian Vampire killer?

...or just an amoral twat. Whatevs.

Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter
As usual, the poster art is better than the movie
     I'm sure this made more sense in 2001. Or maybe it was 1994. It reminds me of funny people getting together with a camera. Nobody has any real honed skills, but someone can 'kinda' do art direction, someone is 'kinda' funny, and so on. A bunch of Jacks of all trades, but no masters apparent.
     Sadly, Jesus is the least likable hero, and the more interesting characters are killed off too soon. For example, the punk rock priest. He was killed in the first vampire scene. There's a ton of other silliness you'll be exposed to, and I'm having trouble saying 'yay' or 'nay' in regards to recommending it. At times it's fun, but there's some scenes that just drag on and become pretentious with a 'look how cool and hip we are' attitude. Honestly, by the time this movie had reached the halfway point, I was begging for it to be over.
Look at me! I have two earrings. I'm EDGY!!!
     Oh well, one internet movie legend down, hundreds more to go.

     For tomorrow? The ONLY frickn' zombie movie for this fest. I promise.

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