Thursday, October 4, 2012

My seasonal derp

Day of the Dolphin

     Honestly, when I put this on the list, I had thought it was similar to Night of the Lepus, but it ended up being more like The Manchurian Candidate. Sooo...yeah. I didn't do my research. I was really hoping for a movie about a dolphin dad who witnesses his family's murder by an evil corporation that was dumping toxic waste into the ocean. The entire family, while sightseeing the coral reef, was doused with said toxic waste and the father was the only to survive. One side effect of the exposure to the toxic matter was super, super dolphin strength, along with a new ability to walk on land, laser eyes, razor sharp titanium teeth, and a rather uncanny penchant for one-liners after a gruesome kill. As he works his way up the ladder, one by one he starts knocking off members of the board of trustees with the CFO and company President in his red-hued eyes of fiery death.

     Instead, I watched a George C. Scott movie about a dolphin trained to plant bombs on boats. Does it help any that the dolphin talks? No?...k. Oh, it was nominated for 2, yes, 2 Academy Awards! Still not buying it? Eh, I got nothing.

Friday: Make with the Mars booty already!!!

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