Monday, October 1, 2012

Oh, it's on,'s ON!

     31 days, 31 movies, 31 reasons to put something else off. For example, cleaning the toilet. Skip it, because the worlds best and worst horror movies are to be viewed for entire month of October. Otherwise known as our annual Halloween Horror Movie Fest of Doooom. DOOOM.
     Having said that, last year was a complete disaster in both the Midwestern branch, as well as the New England operations center. Things just refused to work with us, so everything went south. However, this is a new year, and a new opportunity to make with the damn horror films. And we're going we will. First up.....

Monster Brawl!

     The premise is simple: Famous, and non-famous, monsters go at it in a wrasslin' ring. It's a death match, so that, in theory, means the zombies already have this fight locked in. Or did they already lose? Either way, it has a cyclops and a witch-bitch. It's treated like a typical professional wrestling affair with a little bit of Mortal Combat mixed in. One glaring omission? There's no spectators, no crowd, no cheering, and no booing. I'm sure this was done to keep costs down and I'm betting half the budget was used on the F/X, which were also less then spectacular.
     The cast is filled with typical B-grade no-name actors. However, for some reason, Dave Foley and Jimmy Hart round out the cast. Or, rather, those are the only two I immediately recognized. When I watch Dave Foley, I'm immediately reminded of every character he played on Kids in the Hall.
And the ending? The credits start rolling after a fight starts between Frankenstein and Kevin Nash (yes, that Kevin Nash). I'm not sure if that was a cliffhanger or they ran out of film.

Up Next...The "H" stands for HELL!

1 comment:

  1. Aw hell...Netflix better have this bitch...

    Damn, Big Sexy must be dead broke.
