Friday, October 5, 2012

Oh, That Other God

In Search of Lovecraft

Synopses: When a young TV reporter reluctantly pursues the story of the mythos behind H.P. Lovecraft's literary works, she meets a few colorful characters and takes on a cult of Nyarlathotep worshipers.

Review: Well, kudos are in order to them for making a Lovecraft movie NOT about Cthulu or The Deep Ones.  For that alone I think they should get at least a 3/5, but the acting was downright painful in some spots...okay, everywhere.  Literally, the best, most solid acting occurs in the first 5 minutes.  After that, even the decent actors start to lose it.

The chick that played Amber was so fucking annoying and not at all believable as a high school student - and I grew up on 21 Jump Street and Beverly Hills 90210.  Seriously, either she or her parents contributed a fair amount to the budget or else she was blowing the producer or director.  I couldn't wait until she was dead.  Although, she was the only one who didn't look like she'd been up all night on a sugar, caffeine and heroin bender. 

The script was okay but the dialogue could use some major rewrites.  A few of the scene transitions were weird, too.  **SPOILER**  For instance, the reporter and a witch are in a sacred circle (which was a square!), fighting off the magical attack of the cult.  The idiot reporter breaks the circle and the witch gets taken.  Next thing we see is the reporter driving in her car.  Seriously?  In addition to conjuring and casting, the cult just killed two of her group and drove another to suicide, all within a few hours.  Yet we're expected to believe they would just step aside in the hallway and let her leave?  C'mon!  They could have left out a shit load of filler and made a better transition to the car.  Hell she could have used the big sword the witch gave her - which was ridiculous.  Witches don't use swords.  They use athames, which are double-edged ceremonial daggers - usually blunted - and would be about 1/4 of the size of that thing.

I give it a 2.5 out of 5.

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