Friday, October 13, 2023

Of Diamonds and the Undead

 Zombies of Mora Tau

        This is an oldie from 1957 that reads a lot like an episode of Scooby Doo: A ship rocking some diamonds sinks in the way back olde times, before the turn of the century. Part of the original crew happened upon some sort of sacred ground and found a cask full of diamonds. They tried to bring them back to the ship but were killed by the other half of the crew because of greed. The dead crew became zooooombies and killed everyone standing and then sank the ship, diamonds included. Multiple expeditions have tried to salvage the diamonds, but each one has failed because the ship is cursed. Or rather, the diamonds are protected by a zombie crew that just kills everyone who attempts. 

        This new expedition filled with the latest victims meets with the zombie captains (kinda) widowed wife and she explains the situation and her motives: Raise the diamonds, then destroy them to end the curse and free her husband and crew. She was nice enough to preemptively dig some graves in anticipation for their failure. It was a smart move because one was killed in the first 5 minutes.

This is her grave collection. She collects them.

        Typical b&w drive in horror film and short at only 70 minutes but it'll feel longer. During one of the dives, it seem to become procedural and really drags the movie down, but I guess this week plot needed some garbage time. It's not as fun as some of the later sci-fi drive-ins but it's one I somehow missed and tonight I rectified that. Blah.

Saturday: This is why middle aged hipsters die in horror films.....

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