Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Everyone needs a hero...but in this case they need a coroner...

 Maniac Cop 2: Electra Glide Boogaloo

        What can I say? It's a sequel to a movie about a cop with a deformed face and nuclear levels of PTSD. In our last film, he's shown impaled by a huge pole and driven into the ocean. Everyone assumed he died, but nope, Officer Cordell is on the loose again, killing pretty much everyone. Even good clean cops, even store clerks that are being robbed. I would go as far as to say primarily innocent people and this asshole is the biggest victim shamer there is! He even befriends a rapist!

"Time to victimize the victims!!!"

    And that's really the movie in a nutshell: Kill Kill Kill!!!  Stab Stab Stab!!!  Got a kitty-cat stuck in a tree, little girl? This dickehads solution would be to get the cat, hang it by its neck, and impale the little girl on a branch. When I'm rooting for the everyone BUT the monster...ya got one bad film there.  And better than all of that is the end! Somehow this dick-chin got buried with full honors in the same damn graveyard as all the other good cops he killed. It REALLY tidies up the whole film.

All star cast!

Bruce Campbell!...dies in the first 20 minutes.

Robert Z'Dar's chin!

Robert Davi, everyone's favorite ensemble character actor that plays a cop or wise guy!

Claudia Christian and her always surprised eyebrows!

Danny Trejo playing, you guessed it, a prisoner! 

Friday: Not going to lie, this ones a snoozer....

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