Thursday, October 12, 2023

How to murder your friends and alienate enemies...

 I'm Just Fucking 

OOooOOOo a Hulu original!!!

        Ah half-wit middle aged hipster and his sister are in town to go to an ex girlfriend's wedding. As he checks into hotel he meets Chester, the night shift. Chester is a practical joker and likes to put people in really awkward situations and at the last minute, blurts out the movie title. He's annoying at first, then second, and by the 3rd time rolls around Chester has murdered a biker, the original owners of the hotel, a cop, and his sister. He's clearly a serial sociopath that likes killing people. 

        And that's really it all there is to this. A movie that tries to be psychological but in reality it's 81 minutes of nothing but cringe with a wet fart of an ending. It's not a battle of wits, it's a battle of twits. The final scene draws out the 'zinger..oooh, gotcha!!' so long, I sighed. I. SIGHED.  This is hard to watch. Harder than watching mmmmmost of the Puppet master movies. Watch something else.

Sunday: Believe it or not, this will NOT be my rock bottom this year...

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