Monday, October 24, 2022

This one gonna hurt...

 4 M.I.L.Fs vs. Zombies

     I thought it would be funny. I thought the title would lead to a novel treat. What I got was another fucking zombie movie filmed with whomever had the best camcorder and an over abundance of bewbs. "But you like bewbs!" Yes, yes I do, but I'm not 14 anymore and I have the internet that's filled with REAL porn should I choose to view it. So what we have is a useless boob movie masquerading as a zombie film...which is useless as well. So who is this catering to?

Presenting your MILF heros.

     Nobody. This movie is for nobody. 90 minutes you'll never get back, borderline misogynistic, and the best line was "Holy shit! Dead tits!!!" Run away. There's no point in going over the script because it was indeed written by a 14 year old WITH NO INTERNET ACCESS. It's not a good boob movie, it's not a good zombie movie. It's got some chuckle-worthy one-liners, but honestly, I stopped paying close attention half way and somehow this was stretched out to 90 minutes!

One question I have about every 'zombie' movie ever:

Zombies are often depicted eating intestines, but those are mostly filled with poo. So...zombies like brains AND poo? Whatever, fuck this stupid movie and everyone in it.

Moving on.....

MONDAY!!!: Shark week's going to be stupid...

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