Monday, October 24, 2022

It's still better than the MILF movie...

Sky Sharks

Everything you see in this poster happened in the movie. For once.

     A flight over the Atlantic is interpreted by Nazi zombies flying sharks. And by interrupted, I mean boarding and slaughtering everything inside the plane, somehow at over 500 mph, 30k feet in the air. Now this is the kind of silly I can get into!

     Shorty after, an expedition uncovers a giant Nazi ship filled with...Nazis! Who knew, right? Upon arrival, this movie wastes no time and dives right into the gory, flying stark infested skies. Did I mention the flying sharks had a Predator-like stealth camo mode? Yeah, this film has everything! It's big dumb fun and 1000x better than all of the Sharknado movies put together. However, this also means that it suffers from the same 'Over-The-Top' action scenes at the climax which features the good guys getting an even BIGGER shark to fly around and kill all the now-inferior little sharks. It doesn't have to make sense, it's a shark movie! It uses Shark Math and that's all that matters...well, that, and the post credit sequel spoiler!

Tuesday: Behold the cleansing flood.....

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