Tuesday, October 25, 2022

A priest, a director, and a shark walk into a bar....

 Noah's Shark


 A thoroughly boring movie about a priest, exorcisms, the Ark, a shark, and fighting boredom.

     Whatever your concerns are about theology, I can assure you this movie will not help.  A priest that specializes in exorcisms for a cable access show loses his 'job' after a teen clearly possessed by a demon accuses him of 'bad touch'. I'm very sceptical of this accusation considering it's a teen girl and not a 8 year old boy. Nonetheless, he has a new calling to follow a yellow brick road to the Ark. And I guess there's a shark guarding it. How original, thought provoking, and spiritual.

     This movie is a test, nay, PROOF of my patience. One of the most boring, ill-conceived pieces of tripe I've ever had the displeasure of nearly falling asleep to and the only good part is when the shark starts eating people. And even THAT was a let down.

     Obviously, not all shark movies can be cool, but....you can try a lot harder than this gutless turd.

Wed-nes-day: A clearer understanding of why people do not know the actual effects of radiation....

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