Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Never turn your back on a shark....

 Jaws Of The Shark

This poster should have been a clue

     You know that feeling when you've been watching movies almost every day for nearly a month and they start to lose their impact? And you run out of things to say about an hour long shark movie featuring a guy in one of the worst shark suits you've ever seen wielding a chainsaw? And it's filmed on a camcorder by people whose first language isn't English? And none of them are really actors? Or script writers?  Yeah, that's what I'm experiencing right now. It's like a cold, emotionless state that doesn't care if a bunch of Swedish idiots go camping in shark-infested woods and (surprise) find a shark that has strange tastes that might be considered 'conduct unbecoming''.

     That's what this movie's about. Sweded doing their best to act American while spoofing shark movie tropes in the cheapest way possible. Is it funny? Yes, it's humorous, stupid, and full of dumb fun. It's a welcome addition after Noah's Shark.

Friday: Wait...this asshole again?!?

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