Tuesday, October 5, 2021

....this doesn't have hippies in it.....


     Really....I guess no matter what I do, I'm going to end up with at least 1 zombie in the list. Most are just...lame. Occasionally I find a good one and I guess that's why I keep putting them on the list. So maybe this one...?

     We first meet a very confused Mike, who sadly looks a hell of a lot like Subway Jared, escaping some sort of lab, not quite sure what happened. As he makes his way around, he starts to notice people that are clearly zombies and is clearly not cognizant that he is also a zombie. Eventually he meets Brent, his polar opposite. As Mike's memory starts to come back to him, he realizes he's been dead for 3 years and left behind a girlfriend that he was going to propose to and desperately wants to track her down.....can you smell the rotting carcass of a zombie buddy road trip!!!!

     Along the way, we find out  the outbreak was caused by a company and they're trying to clean up their mess...quietly and violently by sending a couple of half-whit over zealous henchmen that will have you routing for their death.

     I liked this a lot but it did fall flat half way through and became a predictable film. It's like they got bored while writing the screen play and phoned it in and the ending...probably too happy and sunshiny for me, but the outakes during the credits made up for it. Go ahead and watch this decent fun film...and remember....Dairy Cow

Thursday: Who the hell let Randy Quaid around children?!?!?.....

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