Saturday, October 9, 2021

Damn it...zombie strippers....


     First, let me just clarify that this is a blatant rip-off of Zombieland and they even go so far as to note that in the first 10 minutes of the film. However, once you get over that hump? becomes a Troma film...but it's not made or produced by Troma...but Lloyd Kaufman is in it....this is all very confusing. It's just a damn zombie road trip film and it really goes off the rails at the 50 minute mark. Suddenly I'm just watching this crap-fest to get any sort of amusement I can out of it. I never really did...

     Does anyone really care about the cast? No, they're all a parody of the Zombieland cast. The stripper zombies? Is there a way it won't be considered sexist if I say the 'stripper cast' was pulled from some very low-rent clubs? Like the Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday shift? Quite frankly, I don't think some of those zombie strippers were strippers at all! I mean...who lies about being a stripper?!? Sure, Linnea Quigley shows up as Granbo, but I'm confused by Daniel Baldwin's appearance. It's like he forgot that 2003 came and went and he just...stayed there. Refusing to leave and evolve past his frosted tips.

Saturday: When Penn makes a movie, it's probably screwing with you....

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