Monday, October 4, 2021

Paulie & Giles?!? How?!

 Repo: The Genetic Opera

      After an organ failure epidemic, a genetic mega-corp arises from the ashes and offers organ transplants, but at a price: Money. Yeah, it's that simple. You need, they replace, and there's finance options! Specialized "Repo" men are employed to retrieve the organs in the lest hygienic manner and don't get me started on how unsterile the methods were. I know what you're thinking: Wasn't that a movie called RepoMen? The short answer is yes, but this is an OPERA. Is there nothing a horror film can't expose us to? Get some culture, bro!

     I should mention that this is really low budget and mostly done by outdated CGI & greenscreen. The songs are written by people that don't know how to write for opera, and sung by people that aren't singers. For example, why the hell did they let Paris Hilton "sing" in this film? Whatevs, her face falls off...literally. But the biggest surprise is Paul Sorvino: A real actor and a real singer. From real movies! Good ones, even! Anthony Head? Did things go that far south after Buffy ended? And for some reason...Ogre From SkinnyPuppy? Yeah...I didn't get it either. Seeing his character made even less sense:

No awkwardness at all.

 Overall, it's terrible. The songs are basic and simple, nobody can sing, and the 'rock' guitar sounds like they ripped off Trans-Siberian Orchestra but still managed to find a way to half-ass even that!! It's like a collective of goths put this together and created a piece of crap.

Seriously, ease up on the goth, Sparkle Farts!!!

     I've sat through some really weird horror films in my day, but this...this is in the top 10 at the very least! If you LOVE musicals or opera, you'll hate this movie. If you HATE musicals or opera, you'll hate this movie. If you LOVE movies, you'll hate this movie. Basically, you'll hate this movie.

Tuesday: Time for a good 'ol anthology....


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