Thursday, October 7, 2021

Dad vibes and thigh meat...


     Poor Michael thinks his creepy fucking parents are cannibals. He's right. They eat people. They steal cadavers from work and eat them. They ate the counselor he was sent to when he was acting strange because he was thinking his parents were eating people...which they were. Then they tried to make him eat her fleshy goodness when they cooked her up. They are not what you call a positive influence on good mental health.

"The mind is a terrible thing to taste....when you forget the proper sauce pairing"

     After a slow start and a slow middle, we're treated to one of the most anti-climatic ends to a film wherein he basically contributes to the death of his parents and burns there bodies in their house and is sent to his grandparents...who also might be cannibals. Eh...everyone has their kink.

I cannot possibly convey how creepy Randy Quaid is in this movie. I mean BEFORE he lost his mind.

     This was filmed in the late '80s and takes place in the late '50s...for some reason. There's a lot of period kitsch and for the life of me, I can't figure why. It's a strange movie and I'm glad I don't have to watch it ever again. 

Friday: Somehow, I let a Baldwin in this year....

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