Sunday, October 11, 2020

More stunning than watching paint dry..

Zoombies 2

     One of cinemas worst examples of CGI has returned for a sequel. "Why?!?" you might ask? No clue. I want to say money.....but, not sure how you make money making crap like this. I'm betting at one point there was a can drive, maybe everyone emptied out their pockets into a change jar that was exchanged at a bank? Somehow they took a really cheap movie and made a cheaper one. With an even thinner plot. With even worse actors. With NOTHING to do with the first film. Maybe that's where this film shines. It's like someone tried to spray chrome on a turd....

    Poachers break into a wildlife reserve and attempt to steal animal bits. One of the poachears, (who parachuted in, I might add) uses a home brew concoction of herbs and spices for knockout darts. That....wasn't a great idea seeing how she wasn't all that great at chemistry. This turned all the animals (somehow, dunno) into rabbid, bloodthirsty killing mchines. Even the meerkats. That's really the only thing you need to know. The rest is running around, being killed in boring ways, not living up to the first film which didn't seem all that difficult but still managing to fail. In the end, the last 2 idiots survive and I wish they hadn't.

Monday: I really hope people were hurt in the making of this film....

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