Saturday, October 17, 2020

Drugs started this, and drugs are going to end it!!!

The Banana Splits Movie

     What happens when you take a late 60's Saturday morning kids show and turn it into a horror film?

This movie.

     Sorry to be anticlimactic, but there wasn't anywhere else to go with that.  People on drugs developed the Banana Splits TV show, and a couple of dudes on drugs decide to reboot the show as a horror movie. The scary part is, it's mildly successful!

      Little Harley is a rabid fan of the Banana Splits, though none of his friends are. He also doesn't really have any friends. For his birthday, his mother buys him tickets to a taping of The Banana Splits and arranges for a 'friend' to come with. While at the taping, the cast and crew find out they've been canceled. This doesn't really have an emotional affect on the stars of the show, The Banana Splits, as they're all robots. However, one robot had a programing error and soon all 4 are murdering the fuck out of people that were invited to a meet & greet with the stars. 

Seriously, who makes a horror movie .gif and leaves out the gore?

     Some deserve it, some don't and that makes it hard to like the murdering robots. There's also a completely unnecessary side story involving a failing marriage and some blended-family resentment. It only served to give us a great splatter scene at the end. 

     Look, I seems like a silly premise, and it is. But it was well done despite it's obvious low budget and 100% better than the killer sofa movie I watched last week. That being said, I've proven over and over that you could do worse....

Sunday: Shark Week begins!!!!

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