Friday, October 9, 2020

This is all New Zealand's fault...

Killer Sofa

     Follow me if you will: Francesca dates assholes. One particular asshole is a stalker and ends up sacrificing himself so that his soul will be imbedded into a sofa. In turn, Francesca ends up with the sofa. Since it contains the soul of her stalker, it becomes super jelly of her would-be suiters. Most of them are turds and have no chance with her, but they're still a threat to the soul in the sofa. Needless to say, the competition has got to go!.....and the sofa starts killing people.

     I had a hard time figuring out if this was supposed to serious, black comedy, or just silly. The premise is silly, but the cinematography was serious. As was the dialog and mood. But...the sofa leering out windows...please observe:

Here it is looking out a window

Here it is leering down from atop a deck

Here it is disposing of a body

Here it is leering out the window again, but in .gif format

     How the hell am I supposed to take this movie serious?

     Anyhoo, pretty soon she catches on that the sofa....hang on, this has been bugging me: That is NOT a sofa. That is an easy chair. Sofa's fit at least 2 people while our upholstered murderer can only seat 1. Ergo, that is a fucking easy chair, NOT a sofa....right, so pretty soon she realizes that the EASY CHAIR is killing people and she tries to stop it with the help of a former rabbi. I won't spoil the ending for you because I'm not really sure I understood who was who by the time the credits rolled. Thankfully, I should never have to watch this movie again..

Saturday: Not sure if this is a sequel, or a re-boot.....

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