Tuesday, October 13, 2020

6 boobs, man....6!


     A witch with a need for life essence has it out of a couple in ancient times.  She's kinda hot but 100% bitch and crashes a wedding of a rather dull insignificant couple. Fast forward to modern times and we meet the re-incarnated versions of that sad couple who are helping each other investigate odd murders. Who's comiting the murders? Turns out our wiccan friend is also reincarnated but unlike her counter parts, she has full recognition of who she is and what power she posses.  Despite that crippling prescience, she's done well to adapt to modern times.

Peroxide flowed like water in the '80s

     One of her many talents is manipulation and she employs it to gather some minions as well as eliminate opposition. How she "baptizes" her minions was  rather....not really sure how best to put this....oh fuck it, SHE HAD LEAKY TITS! It's a wince worthy scene and so out of place, you will scratch your head. And as  guy, this was NOT a turn-on. Look, I understand that women lactate when nursing children, but that is NOT breastmilk and she really  needs to see a doctor.

     Most of the film is pretty boring but I love the mid 80's synth soundtrack.  At the end we're treated with a sad ending or a happy ending....it really depends on who you were rooting for. 

Wednesday: Funny....I just realized I rarely do any Stephen King movies....

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