Monday, October 12, 2020

You're harshing my Halloween mello, man....

 Disco Exorcist

     A sad disco-rat hangs spends his time hanging out, being a tool, and hooking up with one night stands. Sadly, he picks up the wrong trick that immeadly becomes attached because she thinks one night stands are how you find a good man. It's not, he moves on, and our once-smitten maiden, who JUST HAPPENS to be a witch, puts a curse or hex or whatever causes women to do this whenever he's around them:

Maybe a little high maintenance... 

Needless to say, he's not groovy with that and must break the curse so he can continue to hang out, be a tool, and boink semi-hot women. Mostly porn stars, it seems...

It's the kind of face that says "Most of my STD's are cured!"

     What the fuck did I just watch? I thought it'd be a somewhat humorous, possibly wacky romp about disco culture and a demonic possession. Instead, I got a soft-core porn parody that would have been better viewed on Cinemax's Friday After Dark.  Sure, there was some voodooing and some hexing but 90 percent of this movie is some boney-ass dork dry humping some topless 'model'. I seriously think that this movie was made for the main star to be in the same room with naked woman.  It was never fun despite the promising title, and there's just no reason a sane person would willingly sit through this. You bummed me out, man...

Tuesday: More necro-hotties!!!!

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