Friday, October 16, 2020

Hecho en Mexico!!!

Wrestling Women vs The Aztec Mummy

     I'll be honest, I picked this movie simply because of it's ridiculous title. It's just too silly to over look. Sadly, the title doesn't live up to the hype as it's rather boring. It is, however, NOT misleading. There are lady wrestlers and there is an Aztec zombie, but it's a hell of a wait to get those two together.

     The meat of the story is this: A gang named the Black Dragons knock off an archaeologist for his "secret codex", but before he's killed, he hands it over to another professor who in turn devides it up between lady wrestlers. It's well known that lady wrestlers and professors can be found in the same social circles....I guess?  Maybe that's how things work  in Mexico? By the way, this film was dubbed in English but it's all Mexico, baby!

     Anyhoo, it turns into a cat and mouse chase to get the "secret codex" back into the hands of the Black Dragons. They use advanced surveillance and even employ mind control to retrieve them. Never once in the movie do I recall it explaining the "secret codex", but what ever it is, it appears to help wake up the Aztec zombie and all hell breaks loose with a shoot-out and lots of running. Eventually, the zombie is buried, and all is right with whatever backwoods world this is. The end....thankfully.

Saturday: A rebuttal for "The Hug"

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