Saturday, October 31, 2020

Meh...prima donnas, the lot of them....

What We Do In The Shadows

     Here's a fun little film from New Zealand that's, simply put, a mockumentary about the secret culture of ancient vampires. The story revolves around (roughly) 6 main characters and all their idiosyncrasies of their daily life. 

It's really hard to give much detail about the story considering it's mostly linier yet lacking in any sort of story arc. As with most mocumentaries, the crowning jokes are mostly subtle, deadpan, and bordering on absurd despite what could be reality.

     That's really the hallmark of a mockumentary and probably why I'm drawn to them. I'm going to put this down as a must-see. There's also a regular TV series based on this, but I'll have to get to that some other time.

Saturday: Final/Endgame/Last one/See you next year...

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