Wednesday, October 28, 2020

And I didn't even read the damn book....

The Stand (1994 Miniseries)

     I have this book on my shelf. I started to read it, got distracted and never went back. That was over 20 years ago. I bought the DVD for the miniseries, but it was a complete impulse buy with a promise to watch AFTER I read the book. That was probably 15 years ago. This is the year I just don't give a shit about that kind of thing so I'm watching it...all 6 hours of it, though I'm splitting it up over 2 nights to bring it down to a more reasonable 3 hours each.

     The book is huge, the story is long with lots of details, and this isn't a full comprehensive review.  However, the over-simplified cliff notes are as follows: Virus leaks out of a lab, kills almost everyone. BadGuy recruits people to hang with him in Vegas, OldLady recruits the others to hang out in Boulder CO.  OldLady starts new society in Boulder, and everyone chips in to clean up the town and create a safe, civilized society with laws and government. BadGuy starts new society in Las Vegas, and everyone chips in to clean up the town and create a safe, civilized society with laws and government. Both societies bring out the best in people but for some reason, BadGuy hates Boulder and was planning on an air strike. His air strike is foiled and OldLady dies, comes back as 'a hand of God' and NUKES VEGAS. That's right, the sweet old lady killed thousands of people that had just worked their asses off cleaning up the town, including disposing of all the corpses left behind by the plague. I should mention that BadGuy had basically REFORMED that entire lawless wasteland and turned it into a community but oh FUCK NO, OldLady ain't havin' it! SOOOO....I guess good triumphed over evil and everything is right in that world? Seems like a shitty hand to play if you ask me.

     More interesting is this All-Star mid '90s cast:

The Princess

Lt. Dan and Alf's Dad

Patrick Dauber (spelled M-O-O-N)

Max Headroom

Parker Lewis

Frequent contributor to Penthouse Forum

And a cameo by Roger Murdock (Co-pilot, retired)

              and some dude named Rob Lowe....whoever that's supposed to be.

In the end, his only real crime was too much denim.

Thursday: Down to the final 3! Also, please be respectful of your local hobo...

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