Friday, October 30, 2020

Hobo For President

 Hobo With A Shotgun

     True...true, not really a horror movie. BUT....have you seen how much blood this thing produces? Exploding heads, baseball bats that eviscerate people, flame-throwing bus-loads of kids...OK, actually I didn't like that scene but you get the idea. Everything was turned up to 11...make that 12, and no amount of violence is spared. And be you really even care about the story? NOBODY's generic and not the reason we're watching it.


     Over the top, splashy gore revenge flick based on a in-movie gag from the film Grindhouse. Thankfully, someone was smart enough to throw money and Rutger Hauer at it and what we got was a fun, silly, gory homage to grind house films....though I don't really remember them being that blood-soaked. Whatevs, it's a quick 1h 30min movie that never apologizes for anything!

Friday: Senior vampires are such a bunch of fancy-lads....

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