Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Well, I guess SOMEBODY had to milk the zombie trend to death...


...and much like the walking dead, the trend just won't die.

     So you want to open a for-profit zoo, but still want to treat the animals right.  For reasons we never learn, a spider monkey dies of cardiac arrest while on the exam table. Then it wakes up and just claws the shit out of everything it can. Turns out, it's got some zombie disease and it's highly contagious. That's some damn strong writing, low budget zombie movie author! Anyhoo, the monkeys get loose, and suddenly EVERY damn animal in that zoo is infected with whatever stupid virus that dreadful monkey was sporting.

    For the most part, this is a 'kill-feature' movie, meaning they wrote the script around some kill scenes envisioned by the author. This movie finally answers questions I never had. Questions like "what would a zombified giraffe look and sound like?" or  "how would a warthog eat a young, bratty teen?" But the most important question "what would it take to get a 7 year old to beat a zombified Kuala bear in HALF with a baseball bat?" Well, wonder no more! All those stupid questions are answered by this stupid movie. I told people I was going to watch this movie, and they laughed at me. They were right to do so.

It's low budget, the CGI came from 2001, and it's very distracting

Sooooooo life-like!!!
Dear gawd, just make this stop. How did they manage to pull this off for 97 minutes? Roger Corman would be proud.

Wednesday: Wouldn't the property values in Haddonfield be nose-diving by now?

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